Humankind, Hope and Space Travel

We can imagine the worst about Earth because we know how bad we're treating her. For some of us, we look forward to escaping it all and moving out to space. Space is the final frontier. If not another habitable planet. Although it doesn't have to be. Regardless, there's a new and refreshed focus on space travel, all motivated by hope.

Space is now a huge commercial business, a solution to NASA's budget cuts. Instead of NASA for example getting projects frozen just because the're not enough money. the best option to keep getting things going is to let private organizations chime in the their interest. This model is the most progressive of all ideas pushed forward and it makes a lot of sense. It costs a lot of money to travel to space. Getting money to flow around to keep things going is the smart way to go.

The interest in space is not all business as usual. For the most part, we need to make sure that progress does not stop. Our biggest leap recently are the re-usable rockets. It's still rocket science, granted there are still failures. However, the important thing here is that we are learning from them. Every rocket successfully launched and landed takes us one step closer to perfecting it.

With space travel comes the message of venturing out there in order to save humankind. If it's not about global warming, it can be a huge asteroid heading our way, or perhaps some other apocalyptic event. The chances of these happening are always present. The chances of us being prepared for them are still low. Thus, all developments focused on space travel is not just because it's business. Underneath them all is to prepare for the worst.

Scientists agree that global warming is inevitable. Whatever we do now will not immediately stop what's already happening. We can stop it from getting worse too fast. But just like how wounds take time to heal, global warming will progress, peak and go away. The process can take many years. If the peak gets worse too long for us to take, finding that space is another place to find home would be a savior.

Meteors happen and we can never be ready for it. To be prepared to escape is what space travel can offer. Hopefully, when an apocalyptic event does happen, space travel becomes a service more than it's a business.

The easiest way to survive an apocalyptic event is to escape it. However, space travel is still not that easy. That needs to change. The time is now. When all hope is loss, we'll need space. Right now, we have hope driving us to do our best. Hope is a powerful motivator. I am optimistic that we can do it.

We all hope for the best. Plan A is to stay on Earth. Plan B is space. Hopefully, when the time comes, we are actually ready for both.
