
Showing posts from April, 2018

Idea No. 4: Generic Cache Microservice

In general, a cache is stored data that is supposedly faster to access than building or getting the data from a data source each time it is requested. A cache microservice can be created with the pure purpose of managing caches which include creating them, storing them, expiring them and broadcasting events about them. Sounds good? Read on...

Idea No. 3: PWA-Centric OS

If PWAs are good enough apps for most consumers, and if some PWAs can be approved access to specific hardware functions and APIs, a PWA-centric OS can be the next universal OS for consumers. Sounds good? Read on...

Idea No. 2: Smartphone In Cars

Most modern cars would have audio, navigation and other apps via built-in console. The annoying part really is that these apps are not necessarily updated the same way that smartphone apps are. Well how about this then: why not remove the car's built-in console and let the customer dock a smartphone for audio, navigation and other apps for the car? Sounds good? Read on...

Idea No. 1: Semi-Dumb Device + Split OS Design

Imagine a semi-dumb device: it has touch screen, microphone and speakers (plus, perhaps a couple of buttons for power and volume). By itself it doesn't do much. However, connect it to the cloud, and it's a fully powered smart device. Now imagine it's optimized for networking (like a TV) that its battery can last much, much longer -- days, weeks or even months. Sounds good? Read on...