Imagining the Future (Part 1)
The wake-up alarm was screaming in the background as you tried to open your eyes. The dark tint of the glass walls started to slowly fade away. The room was still dim when you stretched and yawned loudly. You rose and turned to sit on to the edge of your bed. As if on cue, the alarm stopped -- although it could automatically decide to set off again if it detected that you were still in bed for more than 15 minutes. You sat still for awhile. Your head was bowed down so that you were facing the floor, but you closed your eyes again. You listened to your favorite sound in the morning: silence. Your house's air-conditioning system made no noise although you knew it was still running -- the room's temperature felt just right. There was no noise from the outside either. It was quiet. You always woke up earlier than everyone else. You liked catching the stillness of the morning before another creature disturbed it. It was the best moment of peace you could enjoy everyday. It was the...