Dense - Degree Matrix and Variations
The degree matrix is defined as a diagonal matrix which contains information about the degree of each vertex — that is, the number of edges attached to each vertex (Wikipedia). The degree matrix can be easily defined using Mendz.Graphs..DenseGraphMatrixBase.
The degree matrices D can be used with an adjacency matrix A to create a Laplacian adjacency matrix L = D - A.
The degree matrices D can be used with an adjacency matrix A to create a Laplacian adjacency matrix L = D - A.
By definition:
using Mendz.Library;
using System;
namespace Mendz.Graphs.Representations.Matrices.Dense
public class DegreeMatrix : DenseGraphMatrixBase<int>
public DegreeMatrix(Graph graph)
: base(graph, (graph.Order, graph.Order))
public override void Initialize()
Matrix = SquareMatrix<int>.Create(Size.rows);
public override int[,] Fill()
var indexedVertices = Graph.IndexVertices();
var indexedEdges = Graph.IndexEdges();
for (int z = 0; z < indexedEdges.Length; z++)
Edge edge = indexedEdges[z];
Array.BinarySearch<Vertex>(indexedVertices, edge.Tail),
Array.BinarySearch<Vertex>(indexedVertices, edge.Head),
return Matrix;
protected virtual void SetEntries(int[,] matrix, int x, int y, bool directed)
matrix[x, x] += 1;
matrix[y, y] += 1;
Note that the DegreeMatrix does not care if the edge is directed or undirected.
In a directed graph, the indegree matrix counts the edges that "points" in to a vertex.
using System;
namespace Mendz.Graphs.Representations.Matrices.Dense
public class InDegreeMatrix : DegreeMatrix
public InDegreeMatrix(Graph graph)
: base(graph)
protected override void SetEntries(int[,] matrix, int x, int y, bool directed)
if (!directed)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Undirected edges are not supported.");
matrix[y, y] += 1;
Note that it is invalid to use InDegreeMatrix with undirected graphs (or mixed graphs containing undirected edges).
In a directed graph, the outdegree matrix counts the edges that "points" out from a vertex.
using System;
namespace Mendz.Graphs.Representations.Matrices.Dense
public class OutDegreeMatrix : DegreeMatrix
public OutDegreeMatrix (Graph graph)
: base(graph)
protected override void SetEntries(int[,] matrix, int x, int y, bool directed)
if (!directed)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Undirected edges are not supported.");
matrix[x, x] += 1;
Note that it is invalid to use OutDegreeMatrix with undirected graphs (or mixed graphs containing undirected edges).
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