Idea No. 8: Put Anti-Malware/Virus Software in Modems/Routers

Companies recommend that we activate/install malware/virus protection software in our PCs and devices. If early detection is key, why not make them built-in to modems and routers, where malware/viruses are less likely to do harm to the user's actual PC/device? Sounds good? Read on...

The marketing scheme is simple: your PCs/devices are not safe from malware/viruses, unless of course if you have anti-malware/virus software protecting you. This is great and all. They work. No contest. However, what if we have that anti-whatchamacallit built in to the network instead? For example: the modem/router.

The modem/router is the user's "gateway" to the Internet. It's how the user sends and receives data. If data can be scanned early for attacks/infections before they can even reach the user's PC/device, then protection can be increased. Remember that malware/viruses are malicious computer programs. They are designed to be run on PCs/devices. If they can't reach their target PCs/devices, these malware/viruses cannot materialize and, therefore, will not be able run at all.

Thus, if modems/routers perform the earliest protection from malicious content, it is highly likely that none of them will ever reach PCs/devices. They cannot become files. They cannot load in to memory. In fact, they won't even find their way anywhere close to an actual PC/device. The modem/router will block/stop/kill them first.

This is beyond just firewalls and advanced modem/router configuration/settings. This is about making modems/routers really secure-smart. It will be a unique kind of protection because it should do so while the data is raw in transit. It can be powered by AIs that would analyze patterns when identifying suspicious transmissions. The AI can then decide to sandbox them for quick analysis/scrutiny, or to quarantine or to block or to suppress and what have you. The point is, the transmissions are scanned even before they can become meaningful data (granted, PCs/devices by default think malware/viruses are meaningful data, that's why attacks/infections can work when they are already IN its target PC/device).

Now this protection happens both ways: when the PC/device is receiving data AND when the PC/device is sending data. This way, not only is the PC/device protected, the Internet is also protected.

Imagine this AI powered protection everywhere: ISPs, network carriers, modems/routers, servers, PCs/devices, IoT systems, etc. We strike the attack/infection before it can even materialize. It's like the Internet getting a vaccine. An early protection that is pro-active and preventive. Seriously, it's what our very online world needs.
