
Showing posts from July, 2018

Count "Islands" in a Matrix Using C#

Once in a while, a developer can be challenged by a new problem that puts him/her in the zone. This one happened recently and it's exhilarating! I have never encountered this problem before. Honest! And this is how I (eventually) solved it...

Idea No. 15: Robotic Muscle Fiber

Modern robots are big, heavy and powerful. In many ways, they are designed to simulate what we already see as functional: hands, wrists, arms, elbows, feet, ankles, legs, knees, thighs, joints, hips, etc. Components that simulate these are common in the field of robotics. It is our nature to simulate the whole. But what if we stop a bit, step back a little and start small again?

Idea No. 14: Merge Netflix and Vudu (UltraViolet)

Amazon's Prime Videos allows me to watch content from my Amazon Prime subscription, and to also buy/rent content not part of Prime. The convenience is beautiful. Now, I'm thinking, a brilliant competitor can be a merger of Netflix and Vudu. Right?