The Graph Theory in C# (Part 9)

The Graph needs to be smart and self-validating. Likewise, it should be lightweight. The finishing touches give the Graph its proper constructor and a method that ultimately ends my quest.

The Graph should be easy to create. Just instantiate a new one. Optionally, you can give it a name and you're ready to load it up with vertices and edges.

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public Graph(string name = "graph")
        Name = name;

This code defines a constructor that can optionally accept a name. The Graph's default Name is "graph".

Finally, I added a method to create the graph's DOT representation.

    public string ToDOTString()
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        bool undirected = Edges.AsParallel()
            .Where((edge) => !edge.Value.Directed)
            .Count() > 0;
        sb.AppendLine((undirected ? "" : "di") + "graph " 
            + Name + " {");
        foreach (var edgeName in Edges.Keys)
            sb.AppendLine(" " + edgeName + ";");
        return sb.ToString();

And that, ladies and gentlemen, seals the deal! Below is the full code.

using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Mendz.Graphs
    public class Graph
        public string Name { get; set; }

        private ConcurrentDictionary<int, Vertex> _vertices = 
            new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Vertex>();
        public ReadOnlyDictionary<int, Vertex> Vertices
                return new ReadOnlyDictionary<int, Vertex>(_vertices);

        public int Order
                return _vertices.Count;

        private ConcurrentDictionary<string, Edge> _edges = 
            new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Edge>();
        public ReadOnlyDictionary<string, Edge> Edges
                return new ReadOnlyDictionary<string, Edge>(_edges);

        public int Size
                return _edges.Count;

        public Graph(string name = "graph")
            Name = name;

        public bool AddVertex(object value)
            return AddVertex(new Vertex(value));

        public bool AddVertex(Vertex vertex)
            return _vertices.TryAdd(vertex.ID, vertex);

        public Vertex RemoveVertex(int id)
            object o = new object();
                .Where((edge) => 
                    edge.Value.Tail.ID == id || edge.Value.Head.ID == id)
                .ForAll((edge) =>
                        lock (o)
            Vertex removedVertex;
            _vertices.TryRemove(id, out removedVertex);
            return removedVertex;

        public Vertex RemoveVertex(Vertex vertex)
            return RemoveVertex(vertex.ID);

        public bool AddEdge(int tailID, int headID, 
            bool directed = false, int weight = 0, string label = "")
            return AddEdge(Edge.Create(_vertices[tailID], _vertices[headID], 
                directed, weight, label));

        protected bool AddEdge(Edge edge)
            return _edges.TryAdd(edge.Name, edge);

        public Edge RemoveEdge(string name)
            Edge removedEdge;
            _edges.TryRemove(name, out removedEdge);
            return removedEdge;

        public Edge RemoveEdge(Edge edge)
            return RemoveEdge(edge.Name);

        public string ToDOTString()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            bool undirected = Edges.AsParallel()
                .Where((edge) => !edge.Value.Directed)
                .Count() > 0;
            sb.AppendLine((undirected ? "" : "di") + "graph " 
                + Name + " {");
            foreach (var edgeName in Edges.Keys)
                sb.AppendLine(" " + edgeName + ";");
            return sb.ToString();

A quick test is to create a console application, instantiate Graph graph = new Graph(); fill up graph.Vertices and graph.Edges; and print out using graph.ToDOTString(). The result is your graph in DOT notation, which can be fed in to graph rendering and visualization tools. A Microsoft Research product called MSAGL should be of interest (and should I mention open-source at GitHub?). If your test generated a DOT successfully, try visualizing it using

