Documentation, Documentation, Documentation!

Documentation can be a lot of work, but someone has to do it. API with no documentation is like a new invention not explained. Considering, developing codes and tests are even easier than expressing them in a language that most people will understand. Nonetheless, documentation needs to be done and that's the goal for the rest of the year.

I have published Mendz codes and builds online, but much of the bulk left to be done are documentation and publishing them. At the moment, I am figuring out if I can establish a process that can document my work faster for me. Meanwhile, things are pretty much manual.

Priorities help. There are key features that need to be explained immediately so developers can use the Mendz libraries as soon as they're referenced. After the major items are documented, everything else would really be like filling in the blanks. For the most part, Mendz libraries are lightweight, simple and straight to the point. However, there are internals that may need some explaining. It helps to know if what's provided is enough or if you think you'll need to extend them or implement your own.

Sometimes, programming with APIs is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Finding the right API to solve your problem is easiest with documentation ready at hand. I understand that and I am hard at work at it.

Also understand that I work full time. I work on Mendz projects on the side, mostly during my free time, when I can find them, juggling through family, professional, blogging, and other personal stuffs. Still, goals are set, so...

Documentation wrap up by the end of the year? Challenge accepted! :-) #WishMeLuck
