Idea No. 21: The Perfect Smartphone Of 2020s

We've all seen what's possible. Different companies are doing it. Some parts perhaps better than others. But not all parts are in a single model. Obviously, these companies are not talking to each other. Likely, not sharing what they know. Thus, towards the end of 2018, leaks and all, there is still no perfect smartphone.

Let's run down what we've seen are possible and yet no one's putting them all in a single product:
  1. Notchless full-screen front, 120Hz, UHD, HDR and optional 3D
  2. On-display stereo audio/speakers
  3. Biometrics combo like on-screen fingerprint scanner, facial recognition cams/scanners and iris scanner
  4. Fast wired and wireless battery charging
  5. Optical zoom lens cameras with larger sensors and stabilization features
  6. IP68 rating
5G may be a stretch, but let's just say it will be generally up near-everywhere by 2020 as well...

Put them all together and what do you get? A perfect smartphone. All the latest hardware technologies in one device. You have the best screen estate, multiple options for biometrics, the best battery charging experience, the best camera and the best protection possible in one device.

Once all the hardware parts are in place, the differentiation is in the software. What's the UI/UX gonna be like? Is the workflow efficient? Does everything seem to work together as one? Do they altogether add value? It doesn't matter if the OS is iOS or Android. We already know what are available hardware-wise. We just need to put them all together, and let the software make the best of them.
