Extensions for CVS, CRS and CCS
The CVSExtensions, CRSExtensions and CCSExtensions serve as my placeholders for compressed matrix operations. This article focuses on matrix-vector multiplication.
There are many online sources that teach how matrix-vector multiplication is done.
In matrix-vector multiplication, the product's length is determined by the number of rows in the matrix. The number of rows cannot be derived from value or linearIndex. This is the reason why size is the fourth value in the CVS tuple.
Observe that the actual operation (product[row] += entry * vector[column];) is dynamic via this line: dynamic entry = value[i];. This solves the generics operator problem, a .Net limitation where generics constraints for "primitive" types or operators are not supported (wishing for "where T : operator(* / + - %)" or something like "where T : int, long, double, decimal, float, ...").
Observe that the actual operation (product[j] += value[i] * (dynamic)vector[columnIndex[i]];) is dynamic. This solves the generics operator problem, a .Net limitation where generics constraints for "primitive" types or operators are not supported.
Observe that the actual operation (product[row] += value[i] * v;) is dynamic via this line: dynamic v = vector[j];. This solves the generics operator problem, a .Net limitation where generics constraints for "primitive" types or operators are not supported.
There are many online sources that teach how matrix-vector multiplication is done.
- https://www.varsitytutors.com/hotmath/hotmath_help/topics/multiplying-vector-by-a-matrix.html
- http://mathinsight.org/matrix_vector_multiplication
- http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~cheung/Courses/561/Syllabus/3-C/sparse.html
- http://matrix.reshish.com/multiplication.php
In some ways, CVS is almost coordinate-wise. Besides the outer loop on the distinct values, observe that the inner loop pretty much resembles the IDOKSparseMatrixExtensions.MatrixVectorProduct()'s loop on the DOK.
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Mendz.Library.Matrices
public static class CVSExtensions
public static IList<P> MatrixVectorProduct<T, V, P>(
this CVS<T> cvs, IList<V> vector)
(List<T> value,
List<List<int>> linearIndex,
MatrixLinearIndexMode linearIndexMode,
(int rows, int columns) size) = cvs;
int rows = size.rows;
P[] product = new P[rows];
for (int i = 0; i < value.Count; i++)
dynamic entry = value[i];
foreach (var li in linearIndex[i])
(int row, int column) =
MatrixCoordinates.ToCoordinates(size, li, linearIndexMode);
product[row] += entry * vector[column];
return product;
With CVS, it is very important that the MatrixLinearIndexMode used by the "compression" is also used when "decompressing" the linear indexes (MatrixCoordinates.ToCoordinates(size, li, linearIndexMode)). This makes sure that the resulting coordinates would match the original. This feature in MatrixVectorProduct() allows it to support CVS in either row-major order or in column-major order.In matrix-vector multiplication, the product's length is determined by the number of rows in the matrix. The number of rows cannot be derived from value or linearIndex. This is the reason why size is the fourth value in the CVS tuple.
Observe that the actual operation (product[row] += entry * vector[column];) is dynamic via this line: dynamic entry = value[i];. This solves the generics operator problem, a .Net limitation where generics constraints for "primitive" types or operators are not supported (wishing for "where T : operator(* / + - %)" or something like "where T : int, long, double, decimal, float, ...").
Matrix-vector multiplication with CRS is pretty well studied. CRSExtensions' implementation uses the classic 2 loops solution.
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Mendz.Library.Matrices
public static class CRSExtensions
public static IList<P> MatrixVectorProduct<T, V, P>(
this CRS<T> crs, IList<V> vector)
(List<T> value,
List<int> rowPointer,
List<int> columnIndex,
(int rows, int columns) size) = crs;
int rows = size.rows;
P[] product = new P[rows];
for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
for (int i = rowPointer[j]; i < rowPointer[j + 1]; i++)
product[j] += value[i] * (dynamic)vector[columnIndex[i]];
return product;
In matrix-vector multiplication, the product's length is determined by the number of rows in the matrix. The number of rows cannot be derived from value, rowPointer or columnIndex (or perhaps you can via rowPointer.Count - 1). This is the reason why size is the fourth value in the CRS tuple.Observe that the actual operation (product[j] += value[i] * (dynamic)vector[columnIndex[i]];) is dynamic. This solves the generics operator problem, a .Net limitation where generics constraints for "primitive" types or operators are not supported.
Matrix-vector multiplication with CCS is pretty well studied. CCSExtensions' implementation uses the classic 2 loops solution.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Mendz.Library.Matrices
public static class CCSExtensions
public static IList<P> MatrixVectorProduct<T, V, P>(
this CCS<T> ccs, IList<V> vector)
(List<T> value,
List<int> columnPointer,
List<int> rowIndex,
(int rows, int columns) size) = ccs;
P[] product = new P[size.rows];
for (int j = 0; j < size.columns; j++)
dynamic v = vector[j];
for (int i = columnPointer[j]; i < columnPointer[j + 1]; i++)
product[rowIndex[i]] += value[i] * v;
return product;
In matrix-vector multiplication, the product's length is determined by the number of rows in the matrix. The number of rows cannot be derived from value, columnPointer or rowIndex. This is the reason why size is the fourth value in the CCS tuple.Observe that the actual operation (product[row] += value[i] * v;) is dynamic via this line: dynamic v = vector[j];. This solves the generics operator problem, a .Net limitation where generics constraints for "primitive" types or operators are not supported.
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