Starting With .Net Standard 2.0

I am currently starting to port my class library projects from .Net Core 1.1 to .Net Standard 2.0. So far, and I am happy to report that, the overall migration experience is a breeze!

With the latest Visual Studio 2017 update, everything just works. Which is great news! The Visual Studio team are clearly doing a fine job of making sure that the basics will not give developers any headache. There are minor quirks here and there, but those usually happen when you do something that's unusual (like renaming projects, for example).

In order to avoid complications, I decided to actually create a new solution to which I added new projects. I then copied my codes to the new projects and clicked on build. It was successful. And it was inspiring.

So far, I have progress with Mendz.Library, Mendz.Data and Mendz.Data.MongoDB. Mendz.Data now contains the Common and Repository sub-namespaces. I also created a new Mendz.Data.SqlServer library. The re-organization is for reference and deployment simplicity.

Note that all of these changes are not yet final. Some are breaking, and they will be properly described when I start discussing the details of my work in As I See Tech. I also have some new classes/types to introduce, which I am excited to share about. Stay tuned at As I See Tech for development and updates.
