
Showing posts from February, 2018

MWC 2018 Is Full Of Promises As Usual

MWC 2018 is happening. There would be some introduction to 5G, applied AI in mobile, and whatever they can attach "mobile" to. Things to come. Things to wait for. It's often what MWC is about: promises and what are promising.

Technology vs. Good Habits for Safety

It's always cool to have technologies assist in keeping us safe and secure. The key word is that they should "assist". They are not necessarily the end solutions. Security is not complete without "u". Unfortunately, you are also the weakest link. Acknowledging these is a good start. Let's review some more...

Microsoft's Rewards Program Via Bing Is Cool

I search a lot. I do a lot of searches. It's good enough that you can find what you are looking for. But what if you get rewarded for it? Better, get rewarded anyway even if you don't find what you were searching. Microsoft's Bing is a search engine that could. It also rewards you just for using it.

When Developers Have Fun

The idea of creating APIs and templates to guide a team in developing an application can be nerve wracking to control freaks. The truth is, you can never stop a developer from bending the rules and doing something beyond the expected, and still get great results. There are developers who stick with the template provided to them, and there are those who brave themselves to explore. And this is where the fun begins.

Mendz.Data, Dapper, Stored Procedures and Transactions

Using Mendz.Data with Dapper and stored procedures is a great combination. It works well when the primary data source is just one database. Developers can centralize business rules in the database stored procedures. Mendz.Data-based repositories can then be used as the bridge between stored procedures and the domain's POCOs. Simple, right? Well... what happens then when you put transactions in the picture?

Wired and Wireless ISPs on a Gb Race

Gigabits per second is the new business rave for ISPs. Both wired and wireless are on a race. Whoever delivers first covering a wide scale with the most profitable investment could win the industry over. And there might be a fat chance 5G can succeed, if the price is right.

4K to 8K? Not Happening Yet!

8K TVs are big at CES 2018. However, there is really no 8K content available. Heck, OTA broadcast TV doesn't even support 4K yet, granted ATSC 3.0 just got officially announced at the same CES event.

I Have A Blu-ray Player Collecting Dusts

Is compact disc media dead? I have a Blu-ray player collecting dusts. I haven't used it for a long time. Netflix and Amazon Prime Videos are serving their purposes well for me. There is almost no need to buy or rent movies in CDs anymore. Should I sell my Blu-ray player? Will anyone buy it?