Windows Phone 7 In US Stores Today!

Windows Phone 7 reaches US stores today, November 8, 2010, around 2 weeks after they were released to Europe, Asia and Australia last October 21, 2010.

Microsoft is betting on Windows Phone 7 to bring back their relevance in the mobile phone industry. Launched last October 11, 2010 in NYC, Windows Phone 7 is released worldwide in 9 super smart phone models from HTC, Samsung, LG and Dell.

Windows Phone 7 is the result of all the lessons learned by Microsoft from Apple's very successful iPhone. In some ways, we can say that the Windows Phone is an evolution from the iPhone's almost 5 year old dominance as one of the most desired product in the mobile market. Apple's iPhone redefined the mobile game and a lot of manufacturers were shaken to catch up to the super smart phone bandwagon.

Although it is not without faults, Windows Phone 7 is very promising. Through partners, Microsoft is able to put Windows Phone to more device models that could suit different needs and preferences. It has Zune built in. It has XBox 360 integration. It also has integration with Windows Live, which Microsoft is providing as a user-defined content-syndicating platform for social networks, blogs, and other user-controlled content sites.

The selling factor is the Metro UI. By deviating from a very Windows PC-like interface, Microsoft is able to deliver a unique user-experience that's never seen in any mobile phones in the market. Instead of icons, they have dynamic tiles. Instead of folders, there are hubs. Reviews show that the content/task-centric design of Windows Phone 7 is generally intuitive, lets finding stuffs faster and makes it easier to navigate/use.

Microsoft's campaign for Windows Phone 7 includes the "Really?" ads. In a sense, the goal is to sell a product that people won't have to spend much time with. That may sound like an anti-marketing campaign. However, it actually sends the message that Windows Phone is "human-friendly". The claim is that the product can let you get things done faster so you can quickly get back to the things that really matters in life.

Windows Phone 7 has the ingredients that could spell success. It seems that Microsoft's new entry could grab a good piece off the the mobile market pie. Microsoft's aggressive worldwide release is the best strategy, now that they are considered to be 4 years behind the super smart phone category dominated by iPhone, Blackberry and Android. The timing seems perfect as well obviously targeting those planning, saving and shopping for a new device this holiday season. There are already news of Windows Phone 7 shortages in Europe since they were released only 2 or 3 weeks ago. This shortage is expected to hit the US as well.

Will Windows Phone 7 bring back Microsoft's relevance in the mobile industry? Will the Metro UI really sell? Will it really "save us from our phones"? We'll see in the next few months through sales figures and usage trends. Good luck to Microsoft!

Source: StatCounter Global Stats - Mobile OS Market Share

Meanwhile, vote for which you think is the best super smart phone.
