The World Wide Web Consortium ( W3C ) launched an HTML5 logo last January 18, 2011 which caused quite a stir in the web development community. The announcement came with this statement: Now there is a logo for those who have taken up parts of HTML5 into their sites, and for anyone who wishes to tell the world they are using or referring to HTML5, CSS, SVG, WOFF, and other technologies used to build modern Web applications. -- W3C Introduces an HTML5 Logo, Two days later, the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) contested that the HTML5 logo program does not replace "HTML" as the official term for the the web design standard and proclaimed instead that HTML is the new HTML5 . In response to mostly negative community feedback, including criticisms from The Web Standards Project ( WaSP ), W3C retracted on January 21, 2011 to say that the logo "represents HTML5, the cornerstone for modern Web applications ." WaSP is requesting W3...