Part 1: Can Technology Really Make Our Life Simpler?

Once upon a time, there was a phone. Although it enabled instant communication, there was one major drawback: the  phone stayed where you placed it. So, when you were away from the phone, and you came up with a brilliant idea that you wanted to share to your best friend who's living in another part of the town, there was no way to make a call immediately where and when you needed or wanted to.

All the news and all the excitement would have to be held until you've driven through the traffic, parked your car in the garage and rushed to the shining black analog phone at the far corner of your living room -- which suddenly seemed bigger than how you remembered it earlier that morning. As soon as you reached the phone, you immediately lifted the handset, (literally) dialed the number and waited for the other line to answer.

One ring... two rings... three rings. For a moment, in the middle of the third ring, your heart skipped a beat as soon as you heard that the phone on the other line got picked up. You were overflowing with emotions. Nothing could stop you anymore! Forgetting to say hello, you immediately delivered the message that you had been playing around with in your head for over an hour and thirty seconds already. You were panting. You were sweating. You were talking so fast you actually noticed yourself. Was it sugar rush? Blame the traffic for that chocolate bar you finished in the car. No matter, you were glad that you finally got it out of your chest. Then...

"Sorry, wrong number," said the person on the other line. As if to prove to you how much that person didn't care about everything that you just said, you immediately heard a click... a dial tone... and then it was gone. Your jaw dropped wide open and your throat choked with an apology you wished you were given the chance to say.

In an instant, perhaps just a few milliseconds later, the phone was already smashed on another corner of the living room. There was no regret -- although a few screams of passionate frustration were probably belted out. The remains of the smashed phone would join your unfinished dinner in the trash. Nonetheless, one thing was for sure: it was time to get a new phone.

Amazingly, new models no longer had the dial. Instead, there were buttons! It had the familiar numeric keypad, arranged in the same fashion as you'd find in a calculator. However, the same drawback remained! The phone still stayed in the same corner of the house... and the living room still kept growing bigger and bigger for some reason.

As soon as the cordless phone was released, you wasted no time to get one. Actually, no. One was not enough. So you bought three: one in the basement, one in the living room and the last one in the bedroom. Due to a buy-3-get-1 promo, you got a fourth unit for free! Without any second thoughts whatsoever, you were struck with the most practical idea a man ever thoroughly thought about phones in general: if you get an extra cordless phone for free, it goes to the garage!

To be continued...
Part 2: Can Technology Really Make Our Life Simpler?
